Lectures and talks

Presentation date in any machine readable format (YY-MM-DD is preferred)
Ilia A. Solov'yov,

Theoretical and Computational Biology Group, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


Urbana, Illinois, USA

, 2013-01-22

Seminar talk

20122012-12-31, 2012
Ilia A. Solov'yov,

Mini-Symposium "Computer Aided Chemistry", Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich


Zurich, Switzerland

, 2012-11-22

Invited lecture

Ilia A. Solov'yov,

International Conference "Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale", DySoN Conference 2012


St. Petersburg, Russia

, 2012-10-02

Invited talk

Ilia A. Solov'yov,

Beckman Fellows Lunch seminar, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


Urbana, Illinois, USA

, 2012-09-18

Seminar talk

Ilia A. Solov'yov,

Theoretical and Computational Biology Group, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


Urbana, Illinois, USA

, 2012-08-27

Seminar talk

Ilia A. Solov'yov,

Quantum Effects in Biological Systems, QuEBS-2012


Berkley, California, USA

, 2012-06-06

Contributed talk

Ilia A. Solov'yov,

Max Planck Institute for Medical Reseach


Heidelberg, Germany

, 2012-05-11

Invited seminar talk

Peter Husen,

BMB, University of Southern Denmark


Odense, Denmark

, 2012-03-23

Seminar talk

Peter Husen,

BMB, University of Southern Denmark


Odense, Denmark

, 2012-02-02

Seminar talk