Claus Nielsen

Claus Nielsen
PhD Student
Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy
University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M


Room: V12-605b-2
Tel: +45-6550-2505



Short CV

2015-2019: Ph.d. in Quantum Biology and Computational Biophysics at SDU.
2014-2017: Master in Physics at SDU.
2010-2014: Bachelor in Physics, Chemistry and Math at SDU.
2013: Awarded an Oticon Scholarship.

Research Interests: Magnetoreception, spin-dynamics, atomic and molecular structure, interactions between light and matter.


Teaching assistant in the following courses:


Current Research and Development Projects

Cryptochrome structure prediction
Most of the available crystal structures for cryptochrome proteins are incomplete, so I am trying to construct the missing part of Arabidopsis t. cryptochrome 1 by computational approaches.

Realistic spin chemical model for magnetoreception
So far the models used to investigate the radical pair-based mechanism utilized by migratory birds to sense the geomagnetic field have been somewhat artificial. I want to create as realistic a model as possible, and use it to evaluate the capabilities of the photoreceptor protein Cryptochrome to act as a compas sensor molecule. Read more on the Research Area page.

Spin Dynamics Software development
I am currently developing a spin dynamics software package, that I will use to create and test my spin chemical models for magnetoreception.

VIKING Development
I am also participating in development of VIKING, currently as designer of the user interface. Read more about VIKING here.


Foldning af cryptochrome - hvor svært kan det være?, Claus Nielsen, Hjerneblod, 6, 62-68, (2016)
Fugle og Kvantemekanik, Claus Nielsen, Hjerneblod, 3, 35-42, (2015)